Title of the article:



Natalia I. Barsukova

Information about the author/authors

Natalia I. Barsukova — DSc in Art Нistory, Professor, Volga Region State University of Service, Gagarin St., 4, 445017 Togliatti, Russia. E-mail: bars_natali@mail.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 49


Рp. 327–342


February 21, 2018.

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK

63.3(2)6-7 + 85


The paper looks at the everyday life from the perspective of project practice as a place of organization of space for everyday processes of human life. It examines features of everyday life in modern Russia taking into account general trends of formation of residential interior. Everyday life is shown as a key tool for the design of the living environment and the preservation of family traditions. Along with displaying conceptions of the living environment already existing in the domestic design practice the author introduces a new concept of a place of the formation of cultural meanings associated with national traditions. The systematization of approaches and methods of organization of modern living space of everyday life is carried out through the example of architectural and design projects of country houses. The paper points at methods of arrangement related to the peculiarities of living, construction materials and interior decoration, principles of planning, functional processes of everyday life and individual archetypal components of the subject environment. The author focuses on the Russian wood stove as a structure-forming and semantic element of traditional and modern country house. He traces connection with nature through interaction with the estate planning principle and sacred meanings of the Russian home while portraying kitchen as the center of the house and the place of family gathering. Thus the paper`s purpose was to identify and reveal those phenomena that highlight the consistency of spiritual values of the Russian people and serve as their conductor.


everyday culture, living environment, design, Russian national traditions, interiors of a country house.


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