Title of the article:



Anton V. Bredikhin

Information about the author/authors

Anton V. Bredikhin — PhD in History, Advisor to Director, Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Garibaldi Str., 216, 117335 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: bredikhin90@yandex.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 48


Pp. 8–18


November 20, 2017

Date of publication

June 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



The development of modern ethnic institutions in the countries that belonged to the socialist block till 1991shows that the process of small nations` formation is still currently under way. With its history, culture, language (dialect), religion, ethnic groups, having the opportunity to develop, seek to forge a separate identity and to claim the possibility of creating autonomy or an independent state. Similar trends affect such large, state-forming peoples as Russians, Bulgarians, Poles, Serbs, Ukrainians, Czechs in the first place. At the same time ethnoseparatist tendencies of ethnic groups are largely due to the influence of external actors. The study explores historical background of the new Slavic identities` development, identifying contemporary factors and detecting challenging issues. 


Eurasianism, identity, Cossacks, Moravia, Polishchuk, Russian nation, Rusyns, Russian world, the Slavs, the Ukrainians.


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