Title of the article:



Ilya I. Zuev

Information about the author/authors

Ilya I. Zuev — Postgraduate Student, Senior Researcher, Altai State University, Lenin av., 61, 656049 Barnaul, Russia. E-mail: z_ilya@list.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 45


Pp. 222-231


February 17, 2017

Date of publication

September 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



Period of the clash of cultures in the opposition East – West is the time of emergence and propagation of the concept “Scythian” in cultural space of Russia of the beginning of 20 century. Originating with the poetry of symbolists, it received its most complete, and effectively the manifest form in A. Blok's poetry. Another concept under study, reinterpreted and introduced into cultural environment is “barbarian”. They appear as original markers, the signs distinguishing culture of the West from culture of the East. These linguistic stable structures infiltrate into the general cultural picture of public life from the world of art. The paper also deals with the functioning of concept that came to being in “unstable” historical times and reached the class of public consciousness` phenomena. Among others the way through the sign to the image to assigning of the symbol`s value and symbolical is considered.


Russian symbolism, poetry of the beginning of 20 century, western and eastern world of culture, image, symbol, sign, semiotics` structure, concept “Scythian”, cultural sign field.


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