Title of the article:



Natalya S. Murashova

Information about the author/authors

Natalya S. Murashova — PhD in Art History, Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Viluiskaya St., 28, 630126 Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: 2107542@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 45


Pp. 71-85


March 13, 2017

Date of publication

September 15, 2017

Index UDK

94(47)+ 821.161.1

Index BBK



Spiritual verse as an art of artistic creation differs by its own sphere of characters which was vast expanded by Old Believers. The article aims to determine the sphere of characters of Old Believers’ spiritual verses in the context of the system of characters of All-Russian samples of outliturgical spiritual singing. The sphere of characters shows certain autonomy and self-sufficiency of the metagenre of the Old Believers’ spiritual verse. The Old Testament, the New Testament, hagiographical, apocryphal, and historical groups of personalities are considered. Specific for the repertoire of Old Believers are historical figures which were a party of the church dissension, however real personalities lose their authenticity through the changing into fiction characters which can be referred to different types of personalities: martyrs, Christian enlighteners and experts of doctrinal statement, wilderness-dwellers, ascetics, God-pleasers, wonder-workers, opposed to antichristian, false teachers, and renegades etc. The typification allows to bring the characters of Old Believers into line with Bible characters and Christian saints. A folk canonization of the Zealots of ancient Piety happens in spiritual verses. A righteous man and a sinner are metacharacters of spiritual verses. The whole sphere of characters flies around this contrary pair reflecting a value system and acting as a method of both the religious identification of the Zealots of ancient Piety and conservation of their ethno-confessional singularity.


spiritual verse, Old Believers, sphere of characters, types of personalities.


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