Title of the article:



Daria S. Moskovskaia

Information about the author/authors

Daria S. Moskovskaia — DSc in Philology, Deputy Director of the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Head of the Manuscript Department, А. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya St., 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: info@imli.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 45


Pp. 138-146


April 10, 2017

Date of publication

September 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



The article provides an overview of comments of the foreign press on the stories of Vs. Ivanov from the series “Secret of Secrets” and on his novel “The Adventures of a fakir”. The comparison of the foreign reviews and Soviet criticism has shown that despite available similarities the overall assessment is diametrically opposite. Foreign critics deduced Ivanov’s stylistic genealogy from his Siberian and Cossack past and saw in his biography a source of strength, which gave him a chance to live and to remain independent and humanе person in a brutal post-revolutionary situation.


Vsevolod Ivanov, foreign criticism, biography, style, humanism.


  1. 1 Avtobiografija Vsevoloda Ivanova [Autobiography of Vsevolod Ivanov]. Volja Rossii, 1930, no 3, pp. 279–280. (In Russian)
  2. 2 B. S. Vsevolod Ivanov. Brazil'skaja ljubov'. Rasskazy. Izdatel'stvo. Ogonek. Moskva. 1926 g. [B. S. Vsevolod Ivanov. Brazilian love. Stories. Ogonek Publ., Moscow. 1926 century]. Volja Rossii, 1927, no 7, pp. 179–181. (In Russian)
  3. 3 Vsevolod Ivanov. Tajnoe tajnyh [Vsevolod Ivanov. Secret of secrets], ex. ed. N. V. Kornienko, collected, article, notes by E. A. Papkova. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo IMLI RAN Publ., 2012. 566 p. (In Russian)
  4. 4 M. Sl. Obzor zhurnalov. Partdisskussija v stihah. Roman Vs. Ivanova. “Brodjachij cirk Shishkova” [Review of magazines. Party discussion in verse. Vs. Ivanov`s roman “Shishkov's Traveling Circus”]. Volja Rossii, 1930, no 7/8, pp. 684–685. (In Russian)
  5. 5 Moskovskaja D. S. Hemingujej i Platonov: pisatel' o pisatele [Hemingway and Platonov: writer about writer]. Vozvrashhajas' k Platonovu: voprosy recepcii: sborik statej [Returning to Platonov: issues of reception: Collection of articles]. St. Petersburg, Dmitrij Bulanin Publ., 2013, pp. 203–224. (In Russian)
  6. 6 N. A-v. Vsevolod Ivanov. “Puteshestvie v stranu, kotoroj eshhe net”. Roman i povesti. Sobranie sochinenij: v 8 t. [“Travel to the country, which is yet to be born”. The novel and the story. Collected works: in 8 vols.]. Moscow, Leningrad. 1928. Vol. 7. 330 p. Volja Rossii, 1932, no 1/3, pp. 99–100. (In Russian)
  7. 7 Neizvestnyj Vsevolod Ivanov. Materialy biografii i tvorchestva. Nauchnoe izdanie. [Unknown Vsevolod Ivanov. Materials of biography and creativity] Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2010, ed. E. A. Papkova. 784 p. (In Russian)
  8. 8 Papkova E. A. Kniga Vsevoloda Ivanova “Tajnoe tajnyh”: na perekrestke sovetskoj ideologii i nacional'noj tradicii. [Vsevolod Ivanov's book “Secret of Secrets”: at the crossroads of the Soviet ideology and national traditions]. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo IMLI RAN Publ., 2012. 622 p. (In Russian)
  9. 9 Pil'skij P. Bez geroja. O novyh russkih pisateljah. Baltijskij Al'manah [Without a hero. On the New Russian Writers. The Baltic Almanac], 1924, no 2, pp. 65–69. (In Russian)
  10. 10 Proizvodstvennyj roman Leonova. Udarnye brigady pisatelej. Jemigrantskie kritiki i sovetskie avtory. Pravo na starost'. Rasskaz Tihonova. Psihologija molodezhi ili psihologija bol'shevizma [Leonov's industrial novel. Shock Brigade writers. Emigrant critics and Soviet authors. Right to old age. Tikhonov's story. Psychology of youth or the psychology of Bolshevism]. Volja Rossii, 1930, no 3, pp. 293. (In Russian)
  11. 11 Svjatopolk-Mirskij D. Literaturnaja Rossija. Sbornik sovremennoj Russkoj Prozy [Literary Russia. Collection of modern Russian prose. “New Milestones”. Moscow, 1924. Modern notes], edited by V. Lidin. Moscow, Novye Vehi Publ., 1924. Sovremennye zapiski, 1925, vol. 23, pp. 473–475. (In Russian)
  12. 12 Cournos J. I. Ivanov, a Literature Kinsman to Gorki. New York Times, 1935, December, 29. (In English)
  13. 13 Kazin A. A Fantastic Wanderer. Herald-Tribune, 1935, January, 12. (In English)
  14. 14 Nazaroff A. Contemporary Russian Writers Do not “Keep Smiling”. Subject Matter and Tone of the New Literature Reflecting Native Life. New York Times, 1924, June, 1. (In English)


