Information about the author/authors
Elena N. Kartashova — Assistant, Voronezh State Technical University, Moskovsky av., 14, 394026 Voronezh, Russia. E-mail:
There are many works devoted to the study of language in the works of V. M. Shukshin, however, character as an aspect of the fiction`s protagonist image, in particular female one, is still not subjected to description in linguistics terms. Thus we have focused on representative features of the female protagonists in the prose of V. Shukshin. Great attention is paid to the relationships of this image with the Russian folklore. On the basis of the lexical-semantic analysis of prose V. M. Shukshin and involvement of Russian folklore texts, the study reveals that the main features characteristic of the girls in writer's works are modesty, shyness, gentleness, moral and physical strength, beauty.
- 1 Apukhtina V. A. Proza V. Shukshina. Uchebnoe. posobie [Prose of V. Shukshin: a training manual]. Moscow, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1986. 96 p. (In Russian)
- 2 Afanas'ev A. N. Narodnye russkie skazki: v 3 t. [Russian folk tales: in 3 vols.] Moscow, Nauka, 1985, vol. 2. 463 p. (In Russian)
- 3 Baiburin A. K. Ritual v traditsionnoi kul'ture. Strukturno-semanticheskii analiz vostochnoslavianskikh obriadov [The ritual in traditional culture. Structural-semantic analysis of East Slavonic rites]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 1993. 253 p. (In Russian)
- 4 Bodrova L. T. Malaia proza V. M. Shukshina v kontekste sovremennosti [Small prose of V. M. Shukshin in the context of modernity]. Cheliabinsk, Izdatel'stvo ChGPU Publ., 2011. 372 p. (In Russian)
- 5 Verkhovykh L. N. Familii s dialektnoi osnovoi v leksiko-semanticheskom aspekte [Names with dialectal basis in lexical-semantic aspect]. Vestnik Voronezhskogo GASU. Seriia “Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovaniia”, 2007, vol. 1 (8), pp. 87–94. (In Russian)
- 6 Glebkin V. V. Ot khristianina k dvorianinu. Sistemy bazovykh tsennostei “Domostroia” i “Iunosti chestnogo zertsala” [From Christian to nobleman. System of basic values in “Th Household Book” and “The Honourable mirror of youth”]. Rossiia XXI, 2013, vol. 4, pp. 96–113. (In Russian)
- 7 Dal' V. I. Poslovitsy i pogovorki russkogo naroda [Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people]. Moscow, Eksmo˗Press Publ., 2000. 344 p. (In Russian)
- 8 Dal' V. I. Tolkovyi slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka [Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language]. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Izdanie M. O. Vol'fa Publ., 1880, vol. 1, 723 p. (In Russian)
- 9 Dostoevskii F. M. Dnevnik pisatelia: v 2 t. [Writer's diary: in 2 vols.] Moscow, Knizhnyi klub 36.6 Publ., 2011, vol. 1. 800 p. (In Russian)
- 10 Korobov V. I. Vasilii Shukshin: Veshchee slovo [Vasily Shukshin: the Prophetic word]. Introductory article by V. Y. Kurbatov. Moscow, Molodaia gvardiia Publ., 2009. 420 p. (In Russian)
- 11 Mikhel'son M. I. Russkaia mysl' i rеch'. Svoe i chuzhoe. Opyt" russkoi frazeologіi: Sbornik" obraznykh" slov" i inoskazanіi:Posmertnoe izdanіe [Russian thought and speech. One`s own and strange. The experience of Russian phraseology: Collection of image words and allegories: post-mortem edition]. St. Petersburg: Tipografіia Aktsionernogo obshchestva “Brokgauz–Efron” Publ., 1912. 103 p. (In Russian)
- 12 Obriadovaia poeziia [Ritual poetry]. Compilation, Foreword, note, preparation of textsby V. I. Zhekulina, A. N. Rozova. Moscow, Sovremennik Publ., 1989. 735 p. (In Russian)
- 13 Slavianskaia mifologiia. Entsiklopedicheskii slovar' [Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic dictionary]. Moscow, Ellis Lak Publ., 1995. 416 p. (In Russian)
- 14 Superanskaia A. V. Sovremennyi slovar' lichnykh imen: Sravnenie. Proiskhozhdenie. Napisanie [Modern dictionary of personal names: a Comparison. Origin. Writing]. Moscow, Airis-press Publ., 2005. 384 p. (In Russian)
- 15 Unbegaun B. Russkie familii [Russian surnames]. Moscow, Progress Publ., 1989. 443 p. (In Russian)
- 16 Fomina Z. E. Chelovek, prostranstvo i kul'tura v zerkale russkikh paremii [Man, space and culture in the mirror of Russian Proverbs]. Vestnik Voronezhskogo GASU. Seriia “Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovaniia”, 2016, vol. 2 (30), pp. 42–59. (In Russian)
- 17 Frazeologicheskii slovar' russkogo iazyka [Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language]. Edited by A. I. Molotkova. Moscow, Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 1968. 543 p. (In Russian)
- 18 Shukshin V. M. Do tret'ikh petukhov: rasskazy i povesti [Till all hours: stories and novels]. Moscow, PROZAiK Publ., 2010. 512 p. (In Russian)
- 19 Shukshin V. M. Krepkii muzhik: rasskazy [Strong man: stories]. Moscow, PROZAiK Publ., 2010. 528 p. (In Russian)
- 20 Shukshin V. M. Liubaviny: Roman [Lyubaviny: A Novel]. Moscow, Izvestiia Publ., 1989. 560 p. (In Russian)
- 21 Shukshin V. M. Svetlye dushi: rasskazy [Bright soul: stories]. Moscow, PROZAiK Publ., 2010. 512 p. (In Russian)
- 22 Shukshin V. M. Sobranie sochinenii: v 3 t. [Collected works: in 3 vols.], compiled by L. Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Moscow, Mol. gvardiia, 1985. Vol. 2. 591 p. Vol. 3. 671 p. (In Russian)
- 23 Iunosti chestnoe zertsalo, ili pokazanie k zhiteiskomu obkhozhdeniiu, sobrannoe ot raznykh avtorov: pechatano po veleniiu Tsarskogo velichestva v Sankt-Peterburge leta gospodnia 1717, fevralia 4 dnia [The honourable mirror of youth, or indication for worldly manners, collected from different authors: prints at the behest of the Imperial Majesty in St. Petersburg, the summer of the Lord 1717, Feb 4 days]. St. Petersburg, 1717. 62 p. (In Russian)