Title of the article:



Dmitry I. Ivanov

Information about the author/authors

Dmitry I. Ivanov — Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (China), PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Ivanovo State University, Ermak St., 39, 153025 Ivanovo, Russia. E-mail: Ivan610@yandex.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 45


Pp. 94-105


March 28, 2017

Date of publication

September 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK

71.0 + 81.1


Within the author’s cultural linguistics theory of synthetic lingual personality (SLP), the notion of cognitive and pragmatic programme (CPP) is of great significance. We consider it a specific system of cognitive and pragmatic attitudes (as to goal-setting, self-identification (roles), utilitarian aspects, and results evaluation) shaped in cognitive mind of a given person / certain social group / nation / people. The goal-setting subsystem occupies a particular place among CPP cognitive systems. The reason is that, in the CPP modelling framework, the goal (the system of goal sets) represents first of all a cognitive and mental element accumulating all the cognitive processes of the person’s mind / self-consciousness. Moreover, it is an inherent “primary need” which determines the particular features of the person’s cognitive development. The process of goals search (definition) and goal sets subsystem modelling consists of three main stages. At the first preliminary stage, the goal does not have any precise semantic form. It is rather a generalized, aggregative, non-personified system of collective cognitive and emotive impulses (a matrix of collective goal intentionality). At the second stage, abstract goals give birth to a primary, conventionally personified system of goal sets which consists of two subsystems: а) goal sets with low level of concretisation; b) goal sets with high level of specification. The third stage implies activation of cognitive conversion of highly specific primary goal sets having a certain orientation of energy: а) constructive (positive, creative); b) destructive (negative, subversive); c) synthetic (constructive and destructive).


synthetic lingual personality, cognitive and pragmatic programme, cognitive and pragmatic attitude, goal, cognitive mind, source subject.


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