Information about the author/authors
Nadezhda V. Dulina — DSc in History, Professor, Volgograd State Technical University, Leninsky av., 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russia. E-mail:
Ekaterina V. Kargapolova — DSc in Sociology, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tatischev St., 18, 414056 Astrakhan, Russia. E-mail:
Marina A. Simonenko — PhD in Philology, Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tatischev St., 18, 414056 Astrakhan, Russia. E-mail:
The interdisciplinary research studies the precedent text of belletristic literature, incorporated into collective cultural lexicon of students. Integration of research methods of sociology and linguistics made it possible to identify a body of precedent texts, relevant to the young readers in cultural and cognitive aspects, to find out genre preferences and to determine the relevance of precedent texts in terms of their moral value, emotional and evaluative aspects. The data obtained in the sociological poll indicate a number of precedent texts in overall collection of fiction texts popular among students, however the body of precedent texts is characterized by fragmentariness, blurriness of boundaries between the core, periphery and non-precedent texts, which gives right to assert instability and incompleteness of the unified database of precedent texts in the collective memory of young readers. Verbal responses about emotional effects of a certain text attest to the ambivalence in collective assessments of precedent texts. The linguistic analysis revealed that some of these responses are characterized by unification in assessments, use of stereotyped statements regardless the work of literature assessed; however a number of responses demonstrate great diversity of means chosen by the respondents for verbalizing their assessments and emotional experience.
precedent text, precedent phenomenon, precedent name, precedent utterance, belletristic literature, students, cultural memory, sociology, linguistics, sociological poll.
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