Title of the article:



Viktor V. Bychkov, Nadezhda B. Mankovskaya

Information about the author/authors

Viktor V. Bychkov, DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12-1, 119019 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: iph@iph.ras.ru

Nadezhda B. Mankovskaya, DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12-1, 119019 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: iph@iph.ras.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 43


Pp. 220–241.


December 07, 2016

Date of publication

March 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper represents a scholarly dialog between the authors dedicated to the analysis of artisticity as one of the metaphysical foundations and necessary prerequisites of aesthetic experience. This category is examined under both historical and aesthetic angle and in its contemporary interpretation. The article shows that artisticity forms the foundation of a work of art, which is understood as an aesthetic phenomenon. It defines artisticity as an aesthetic quality of the work of art, whose essence consists in the principle of aesthetic expression, or in such a way of arranging its form and content that enables an meaningful process of aesthetic perception — i.e., an event of aesthetic experience — in the recipient. Artisticity presupposes an adequate expression of a certain spiritual otherness by entire expressive system of a given type of art. This very otherness actually constitutes content-based (metaphysical) foundation of a concrete work of art. Artisticity cannot be realized or objectified otherwise than through the pictorial-expressive language of a given work. The artisticity of a given work is precisely an adequate expression (which is the same as creation) in the work of a spiritual quantum of being that cannot be verbally expressed. At the same time art is seen as the quintessence or concentration of aesthetic experience of humanity at a certain stage of culture development (which is formally fixed in the form and content of a given work). The aesthetic in art is understood as (under the circumstances) the optimal experience of the universal harmonization and anagogical orientation of the human being in its perception of a given work of art. The realization of this experience issues in spiritual joy, high pleasure and, at the limit, in aesthetic delight, which the recipient experiences in the moment of perception. The very aesthetic delight is the sign that the perceived work of art is artistic, i.e., that the process of expression/creation of the new quantum of being has taken place. The article proves that even today artisticity remains the main criterion of determining authenticity of art and its aesthetic quality. Art production that is deprived of artisticity does not belong to art as an aesthetic phenomenon that rests on its metaphysical foundation.


artisticity, aesthetic experience, artistic expression, beautiful, aesthetics, aesthetic, art theory, art, art practices.


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