Title of the article:



Tatyana M. Balykhina, Marina S. Netesina, Svetlana A. Iurmanova

Information about the author/authors

Tatyana M. Balykhina, DSc in Pedagogy, Professor, Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, Mikluho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: dekan-fpk@yandex.ru

Marina S. Netesina, PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Delegatskaya St., 20, 127473 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: netesinam@mail.ru

Svetlana A. Iurmanova, PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, Mikluho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: yurmsvetlana@gmail.com


Philological sciences




Vol. 43


Pp. 196–207


January 15, 2017

Date of publication

March 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



The research activity implies dealing with the creative problem by students with an unknown in advance solution and contains main phasesиspecific to the scientific research. The morality of a medic is associated with different categories of moral content, such as the idea of “life,” “death,” “health,” “duty,” “mercy,” “generosity.” These concepts require mandatory explanation in the student audience of a medical college. To understand the meaning of the concepts above-named, it is advisable to use the research method, when the student is given a task and a research plan, with all due steps explained, materials for work given and methods of research indicated. Consequently one of the research results in the course of “The Russian Language and the Culture of Speech” is the identification of various aspects of the concept under study.


scientific research; creative problem solving, research problems; mental operations; role of artistic texts in the formation and development of critical thinking of students.


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