Title of the article:



Katarína Džunková

Information about the author/authors

Džunková Katarína — Postgraduate Student, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 11, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: katarina.dzunkova@seznam.cz


Philological sciences




Vol. 43


Pp. 208–219


July 21, 2016

Date of publication

March 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



The Czech language was the first among Slavic languages, into which in the fourteenth century the Bible was completely translated and later printed (the end of XV century). This translation became the main criterion for Slavic and other languages. Polish translators of the Psalms, mamarrachos and the Bible of Queen Sophia (1455) used the Czech original. With the beginning of printing, the Czech Protestant translation (the Hussites, Czech brethren) and the Roman Catholic religion reached the peak of popularity. An exemplar of the Czech printed Bible by Y. Had (1545) served as a model for the first manuscript translation of the New Testament (1548) into lower Sorbian (in some places it is an entirely unaltered Czech text). The Czech Bible of 1506, issued in Venice, influenced F. Skoryna, 1517–1519 which published in Prague some books of the Bible in the Belarusian recension of the Church Slavonic. The Czech Bible texts were used as a reference guide during processing of the biblical readings of the XVI–XVII centuries, namely: the Peresopnytsia gospel (1556–1561), the Epistles of the AP. Paul to the Laodiceans in Galicia-the Russian manuscript (XVI century), the Song of Songs XV. There are Czechisms in the first Hungarian Bible translation, the so-called “Huszitabiblia,” was carried out in the XV century by Hungarian scientists, who studied at Charles University in Prague. The Czech influence is attributed to the appearance of the first translations of the Holy Scripture into Romanian.


biblical interpretation, Czech Bible, Vladimir Kyas, Hussite movement, Czech brethern.


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