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Author(s): Suvorkina Е. N.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 85-89
Index UDK: УДК 008
Index BBK: ББК 71.084.5
Abstract: The subculture of childhood has its own language, culture and traditions. The analysis of so-called “mouse” traditions in the subculture of childhood gains more attention. Milk teeth fallout — is an important event in a child's life, associated with a sacred action — an appeal to the mythical abstract Mouse with a request to take the milk tooth and to replace it with permanent one. The cultural code of this tradition finds expression in folklore, in particular, in maternal one. The very appeal to the mouse can be explained by the fact that souls of the dead, and the house spirit, as its guardian of the house, took its form. That said the patron of the house acts as a mediator between two worlds — the living and the dead. Referring to the image mouse is also associated with a motive of theft. The tradition of getting rid of the tooth with the help of mouse is an important component of a traditional part of the subculture of childhood and also represents the transition`s condition from one to another age`s subculture. Until recently, there was another tradition, mainly in rural areas: the mouse was used during the quacking of the newborn`s umbilical hernia. Magical act of exchanging, rooted in the distant past serves as a common ground for these actions.
Keywords: subculture of childhood, tradition, cultural code, maternal folklore, rapping, tooth, mouse, child.
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