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Title of the article: Comparison of the acoustic nature of word stress in Serbian and Russian languages
Author(s): PANOVA E. A.
Section: Philology and Literary Criticism
Year: 2015
Issue: № 2, (36)
Pages: 147-154
Index UDK: 81'33
Index BBK: 81.1
Abstract: The paper presents a comparison of the acoustic nature of word stress in Serbian and Russian for predicting potential interference in the speech of Russians, who learn Serbian. The main difference between Russian and Serbian word stress is the tone character of the latter. There are four types of word stress in Serbian, which are distinguished on the basis of tone (rising – falling) and duration (long – short). In the realization of Russian word stress the main parameter is duration, intensity and fundamental frequency participates only in the formation of the phrase stress. In both of the languages phrase prosody suppresses word prosody, nevertheless in Serbian the types of accents modify the whole contour of the phrase. Intensity is not considere to be the main parameter in the realization of the word stress both in Serbian and in Russian. The results of this investigation serve as a basis of the development of the material for further experimental analysis of the acoustic parameters of the Serbian word stress realized by Serbian and Russian speakers.
Keywords: word stress, Russian, Serbian, acoustic parameters, fundamental frequency, intensity, duration
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