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Title of the article: Cultural meanings of traditional folklore as a pra-scientific knowledge holder
Author(s): KAMINSKAYA E. A.
Section: Culturology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 2, (36)
Pages: 92-100
Index UDK: 008.001+398
Index BBK: 71.1+82.3(2Рос)
Abstract: Traditional folklore can be studied from different points of view. One of them is its study as a holder of pra-scientific knowledge. From this point of view, cultural meanings are enclosed in it and can be actualized in contemporary culture. Unfortunately, modern people do not pay sufficient attention to traditional folklore as one of the phenomena, which is able to deepen the semantic field of culture. Traditional folklore has been repeatedly studied by western folklorists as a special sphere of knowledge. Russian scientists in most cases discuss such characteristics of folklore, as creativity and art. Reliance on practical experience and focus on the development of mankind unite science and traditional folklore. The traditional folklore embodies the experience based on constant reproduction of the same «cycles». Knowledge of their constancy and opportunities to vary within tradition formed the basis of folklore. This is the knowledge about the features of the relationship with the transpersonal beginning, with nature, with the members of the society; regulation of human life; knowledge of the laws of rituals, features of folklore genres, forms, texts, vocabulary and so on.
Keywords: cultural meanings, traditional folklore, pra-scientific knowledge
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