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Title of the article: The other and the private daily life in the works of T. Tolstaya
Author(s): VOLKOVA T. V.
Section: Culturology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 2, (36)
Pages: 101-108
Index UDK: 008
Index BBK: 71.4
Abstract: The private space is important for an individual in vital, axiological and semiotic terms as it is crucial for his/ her security, stability, personal freedom and autonomy. In contemporary Russian culture the semiotic boundaries of private space are increasingly coming under jeopardy which is caused by fundamental shifts in many areas of life including the everyday routine with its inherent privacy. Creative works by T. Tolstaya demonstrate an attempt to grasp the traditional and new mechanisms of violating and destroying the boundaries of privacy. Private routine in the world of fiction by Tolstaya may be embedded in explicit spatial boundaries (corporal space, home) or in various forms of intellectual and creative life. This level of life is by far the most sustainable and semantically defined as «intimate», «safe» and «regimented». The «private area» is a part of everyday life being at the same time opposed to it. Strict delineation of the private micro-world separates this world from various forms of public space as it draws the line between Self and the Other — the Alien. The prose by T. Tolstaya is often focused on rehabilitation of routine and on cultural memory. The crucial destruction of boundaries between private and public loci of existence calls for action which is seen by the author in fortifying the boundary of the private just short of social isolation.
Keywords: private space, daily life, the Other, boundary
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