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Title of the article: S. Yu. Witte and P. A. Stolypin: two views of terror during the revolution of 1905–1907
Author(s): PORTNYAGINA N. A.
Section: Historical Sciences and Archeology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 2, (36)
Pages: 165-178
Index UDK: 94 (47). 083
Index BBK: 63.3
Abstract: The political terror was of unprecedented scope during the revolution of 1905–1907, and it became a serious problem for the authorities. Therefore, fight against it was one of the major tasks for Council of ministers and its prime ministers during revolution. The author shows how two outstanding Russian Prime Ministers of the period of revolution estimated terror. The research is done on the basis of materials of the verbatim records of the Second State Duma, archival materials and other sources. Did they use all possibilities of the authority for fight against political terror? Did the terror have impact on policy of the government? Their assessment of terror was partly similar. Both considered it the dangerous anti-state phenomenon against which it is necessary to fight by repressing and creating in the country the public opinion hostile to terror. The government newspapers, which they set up, were one of the few editions, which were actively fighting against revolutionary terror. However, the fear of terror, desire to use it for their personal gain prevented S. Yu. Witte and his office from successfully resisting this terrible phenomenon. Only P. A. Stolypin could cope with this phenomenon, by taking measures, unpopular among the liberal public, such as court-martials, alongside with carrying out reforms.
Keywords: S. Yu. Witte, P. A. Stolypin, prime minister, Council of ministers, revolutionary terror, The Second State Duma, Cadet, the Right, public opinion, Liberal
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