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Title of the article: «The homily of one monastic elder to a heretic» as a source for studies of spiritual culture in Old Russia
Author(s): LUSHNIKOV A. A.
Section: Historical Sciences and Archeology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 2, (36)
Pages: 155-164
Index UDK: 930.85
Index BBK: 63.2
Abstract: The literary work «The homily of one monastic elder to a heretic» (probably XV cent.) was created in Old Russia against pagans and heretics. However, it remains obscure and unexplored by historians. This writing is also not included in catalogs of similar homilies. However, the analysis of this work revealed two strata of different time in it: one is connected to the first centuries of Christianity in Old Russia as official religion, and the second denotes the time of church’s life unification attempts and establishment of Russian index of forbidden books in XIV– XV centuries. Furthermore, the text of the homily reflects the specifics of scribes’ work in Old Russia and their own understanding of the spiritual life problems in society of that time.
Keywords: manuscript, homily, lectionary, Christianity, paganism, Old Russia, spiritual culture
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