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Title of the article: Image of posthumous miracles in the hagiographies of the Saints (based on the hagiographies of Moscow Metropolitans Peter, Alexis and Jonah)
Author(s): MEDVEDEV A. A.
Section: Old Russian Heritage
Year: 2014
Issue: № 2 (32)
Pages: 151-157
Index UDK: 821.161.1.0
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1
Abstract: The goal of the article is to analyze the functions and stylistic features of the stories about posthumous miracles in insufficiently known hagiographies of Moscow Metropolitans Peter, Alexis and Jonah. Stories about posthumous miracles in analyzable hagiographic monuments are remarkable for authenticity, have anecdotal character, so they should be regarded as compositionally independent episodes concerned with previous ones by the personality of the saint. The narratives about posthumous miracles of Russian saints contain a lot of citations from the Holy Scripture, because there are analogies to the deeds of the saint in scriptural story, and the toposes and stylistic features, which are unique to this genre, are formalized. Observations permit us to come to a conclusion that the episodes about posthumous miracles in the hagiographies of the Moscow saints in different versions are stable; there is unity of function and means by which the hagiographers showed the ideal of saint.
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