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Title of the article: Tribal names and nicknames: the study of the communicative space of Kenozerie and Pomezenie
Author(s): MATONIN V. N.
Section: History and Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: № 2 (32)
Pages: 32-40
Index UDK: 130.2+811.161.1
Index BBK: 63.5+ 71.05
Abstract: The study aims to determine the mechanism of naming as one of ways of formation of the communicative space. Based on field materials collected by the author in 2000-2013’s., the paper compares and contrasts tribal names and nicknames in Kenozerye and Pomezenie in Arkhangelsk region, where in one case agriculture domi- nates, and in other case - fisheries crafts are developed. Peasants received tribal names after the names of the parents or relatives, the place of living or birth. Nicknames emphasized the distinctive features of the appearance or the behavior of a peasant. Nicknames became official surnames and were tools to tribal identification. The author formulates the hypothesis that tribal names and nicknames are expressed by a noun in the villages, where marine crafts were the predominant form of business activities. Nicknames and tribal names derived from an adjective prevail in the agricultural areas. In the author’s opinion, this fact suggests that there are peculiarities of mentality of industrialists and farmers.
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