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Title of the article: Self-control: the imaginary freedom from external control and cultural aspects of identity
Author(s): Rastorgueva E. V.
Section: Issues of Culturology and Philosophy
Year: 2013
Issue: № 1 (XXVII)
Pages: 31-36
Index UDK:
Index BBK:
Abstract: Self-control is taken as a social and cultural phenomenon, and its study should not be limited to only psychological interpretation. The article examines the phenomenon from the point of ontogenesis and phylogenesis, the methods of cultural studies and the theory of complex systems are used. At the same time the self-control is interpreted as both a function (function-skill), which, as a rule, can not be the object of primary reflection and self-control. The theological aspect of the problem is also taken into account.
Keywords: self-control, cultural identity, self-identity, functions of a complex system, freedom of choice, the media, religious culture
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