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Title of the article: Verbal and real life reflections in human sciences
Author(s): Keychenko K. I.
Section: Issues of Culturology and Philosophy
Year: 2013
Issue: № 1 (XXVII)
Pages: 22-30
Index UDK:
Index BBK:
Abstract: Human sciences are presented as the synergy of daily real life experience and theoretical approach to exploring the reality. The author states that the role of human sciences is to ‘translate’ the description of reality from layman terms into the language of the appropriate discipline. Thus the primary focus is on the analysis of the very fundamentals of the modern lingual philosophy and on the problem of the language existential status.
Keywords: Human Sciences, Rational Types, Alternative Science, Modern Scientific Method, Value Based Research, Philosophy of Language, L. Wittgenstein, B. Gasparov
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